Is it time to send your child to a kindergarten in Townsville? You might definitely have shortlisted two or three places where you think you might enrol your child. After all the right kindergarten can help nurture your child’s abilities and help shape them into smart and socially aware individuals. These days the focus of kindergarten and its purpose is more than just imparting basic education. The aim is the complete development of a child’s innate abilities. Not only does your child learn new academic skills, they also learn social interaction, learning to be creative and gaining confidence.

The teachers at kindergarten are specially trained to help bring out the best in each child according to their abilities. The teachers are aware that each child is different and not all children excel in academics. However, with the right attention children are able to overcome any basic difficulties they may face in academics. When you send your child to Townsville kindergarten you can rest assured that they are the right place. They would learn everything there is to learn and gain confidence just by being in an environment which is completely child friendly.

At a kindergarten your child would:

  • Be taught to be creative. They would sit together in groups and create stories in their heads, share their ideas, enact role plays and last but not the least learn the importance of team work.
  • Children are taught about different things and how they perceive it also an important part of growing up. The role of the teacher here is more of a facilitator. She is not there to dictate the children but help guide their thoughts in the right direction. Children come across their peers belonging to different cultures. They start appreciating diversity. They realise that being different is good.
  • Children are encouraged to think and share their idea. Today there is a need for individuals who think out of the box. Who can create and follow through on their idea. Consider this as an early learning tool which you child uses to become the individuals they will be in the next decade or so.
  • On the other hand there is also a firm focus on academics as your child would be taught the basic reading and writing skills. They would be taught things like alphabets and numbers. They would learn to form words and even make sentences before the year is over. Though it may sound like too much learning but it is carried out in such a fun and interesting way that children learn quite fast and enjoy it as well. Children actually feel proud when they can spell their names and class and might even show it off to you when they come home after learning it.
  • These days it’s quite common to have an extended learning program in kindergarten. Interesting stuff like robotics and early medicine is taught to children where they might don on the garb of young scientists and learn about the interesting world of science and technology.

Just make sure you choose the right Townsville kindergarten for your child.

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