After parents, teachers are the most important people in a child’s life. Children spend a major time with their caregivers.
The secret to a child’s successful educational journey can be attributed to the parent teacher collaboration.
Parents trust teachers when it comes to high quality education. On the other hand, teachers know parents provide a safe family environment where children are looked after and feel sheltered. It is a partnership that can impact the child’s future.
According to Henderson and Barlow, an accurate predictor of a child’s achievement can be attributed to their family and creating a home environment that encourages learning. It was not income or social status that impacted their intelligence but how children felt at home and at school.
How can parents collaborate with teachers?
It’s not necessary for parents to be involved in all activities for their children or to volunteer every day. However, they should be well informed by reading the newsletter and attending parent teacher meetings.
It’s crucial for parents to engage before the child’s first of school. During the enrollment process they will meet with the teachers and during orientation they will be talking to the class teacher. Parents must understand the routines their child will follow at the school so they can mimic these at home for helping make their transition to grade school easy.
If a child has additional needs, family must ensure that the teachers are aware about it. If they are not comfortable at the school it will show up in their grades. If there is something that worries you or you want to talk about an issue, talk to the teacher about It.
How can parents address issues that their child is facing?
It’s important to gain the teachers trust. For any issue your child might be facing, it’s better to speak to the teacher about it. Ask them what happened at school and what is the school’s policy regarding this issue. Consider the teacher as your partner so your child can have a good education and is comfortable with their teacher. When parents partner with teachers, they are working in the best interest of their child.
How can parents help with learning?
Recently there has been a decrease in social skills that children should have before starting a school. Several children have delayed speech and the inability to recognize their written names. They are also disinterested in learning stories and nursery rhymes. Most children have attention deficit and lack basic directional concept. They are also unable to track movement with their eyes and do not show interest in drawing and coloring.
These problems can be attributed to lack of interaction between parents and children. The busy lifestyle doesn’t allow parents to engage with their children as they once would have. Another reason is the time children spend on screens. These passive devices impacts their ability to develop speech patterns and language skills which are necessary for reading and writing.
How to ensure school readiness in children?
Children must know age appropriate skills to be successful at kindergarten. Children can be made school ready with help from parents. Parents must try to give their child independent life skills. For example, the child must know how to dress themselves and go to the toilet independently. It’s crucial for children to have communication skills where they can express themselves. With the right social skills, like taking turns and listening, children can enjoy their time at kindergarten.
Speak to the teachers at kindergarten options in North Lakes to help you properly choose a facility and ensure your child’s success in education.