Benefits of Childcare
Quality childcare is associated with a number of benefits despite the opposition from the conventional wisdom which suggests that only parents should take care of their children. Research has proven that no negative impact is associated with childcare when compared to children who are raised by their parents. Language development and the child’s cognitive development are said to be the same as in the cases where the child is raised at home. Furthermore, research shows that these children, those who are raised within the childcare system, are likely to perform better when they are raised in this way compared to if they were not.
The following are the main benefits associated with childcare:
It prepares the child for school
It is obvious that the phase of school transition or kindergarten transition is something that is difficult for the child and the parent. As a result, childcare is considered as a vital part of this transition as it makes this transition easier. It gives the child an invaluable chance of developing and experiencing a number of things that are in a position of preparing this child for school.
A schedule that is regular
When you raise children in childcare, they are in a good position of benefiting from a regular schedule and a strict one throughout the day. Starting from the sharing of stories to singling activities, these children are going to enjoy these days and their full schedules. Other activities involved in these regular schedules are playing periods, learning periods, napping periods and eating periods.
Language development and cognitive development
Children who are raised at childcare centres are in a good position to enjoy cognitive development and language development at a greater percentage as compared to children who are raised at home. These caring centres have professionals who are highly trained in providing childcare services. They are in a position of identifying the time when they are required to challenge a given child to the next phase and the time when they are required to comfort them.
Social interaction
It is obvious that in most cases the children who are raised at home lack social interaction. This is because, on a number of occasions, they are only interacting with the adults in their home, in this case their parents. This will have a big impact on their lives since it will make them experience difficulties when it comes to group interaction and interaction with children their own age. However, the children who are raised within childcare centres are trained on how to interact with others and how to make friends while at a tender age. Furthermore, they are also trained on how to present themselves while in a group.